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Comparative Study on Consumer Acceptability of Bread Produced with Composite Flour Fermented by Yeas
Abstracts This study investigated the sensory acceptability of bread produced from composite flour (wheat, air potato and cassava)...
Proximate Analysis, Lipid Profile, Microbiological and Pigment Characterization of Chlorella Dry Pow
Abstracts Aims: The aim of this work was to investigate the massive production of Chlorella with food purposes. The second objective was...
Solid State Fermentation Based Olive Pomace Using Streptomyces Strains: A Preliminary Study
Abstracts This study represents a preliminary investigation aimed to assess the possibility to recycle and valorize olive pomace by solid...
Evaluate the Radioactivity in Drinking Water from Kakuri, Kaduna
Abstracts Small traces of radioactivity are normally found in all drinking water. The concentration and composition of these radioactive...
Treatment of Catatonia Using Low Doses of Clozapine
Abstracts Catatonia is a state of apparent unresponsiveness to external stimuli in a person who is apparently awake and which occurs in...
Energy Generation Using Thermoelectric Power Generator (TEPG) from the Living Body
Abstracts In this paper, a general idea about wearable thermoelectric generator from the body heat has been discussed. First, a...
SCIENCEDOMAIN international is providing a transparent OPEN Peer Review and Post-Publication Peer Re
ScienceDomain journals are determined to promote integrity in research publication. ScienceDomain journals follow the guidelines, given...
The Impact of Religion and Spirituality on Literature: A Systematic Review
Abstracts The influence of religion on literature has been debated for more than a decade, and yet, there remains a lack of consensus...
Assessment of Noise Pollution from Power Generating Sets: A Case Study of Nnewi-North L.G.A, Nigeria
Abstracts The assessment of noise pollution caused by emissions from power generating sets in Nnewi, a fast-growing town in Anambra State...
Chronic Kidney Disease among Ghanaian HIV Individuals on HAART in the Ho Municipality: A Single-Cent
Abstracts Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) remains one of the complications of HIV infection among individuals on antiretroviral...
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