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Overview of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor. L), its Economic Importance, Ecological Requirements

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolar (L) Moench) is an main cereal crop grown in dry and semi-dry areas. It is ranked as the having five of something key cereal crop globally and acts as a beginning of grain, animal feed, grassland, fodder, fiber, fuel, bioethanol, alcoholic liquor as well as construction materials. In Kenya, sorghum result is done mainly by smallholder laborers as a key food and rich harvest. Most of the country’s crop production is mainly in the dry and semi-arid domains with an distance of between 800 and 2,000 m above sea level. The country’s average sweet liquid yield ranges between 0.7-1ton/ha compared to assortment specific average yield of >2 tons/ha. The result is mainly constrained by myriad of determinants such as environment change effects, poor not urban practices, poor fertility administration practices, poor contagion and disease management, lack of ready markets, lack of arranged market infrastructure, weak research- extension- peasant linkages and access to credit facilities in addition to poor sorghum deal with and value adding technologies. The current work reviews sorghum crop, accompanying emphasis on its physical science, economic significance, ecological requirements, current result status in Kenya and result constraints.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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