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Hypertension in the Workplace: Study among Workers in an Oil Production Company in Pointe-Noire....
Hypertension is a serious public health issue that affects people all over the world. The study was prompted by the nearly non-existent...
Prevalence and Intensity of Urinary Schistosomiasis among the Primary School Children of Some.....
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and severity of Urinary Schistosomiasis among Primary School students in...
Serum Copper and Serum Zinc in Preeclampsia: Cause or Effect?
Preeclampsia is a multisystem illness that affects both the mother and the baby. The pathophysiology of this multisystem illness is...
Hydroponic Growth Media (Substrate): A Review | International Research Journal of Pure and Applied..
Scientists experimented on different substrate medias used in hydroponic systems, according to the reviewed literature. They also looked...
An Optimal Irrigation Scheduling for Drip Irrigated Onion in A- Semi-Arid Region Using the ..
Appropriate management strategies that take into account changing environmental conditions are needed for efficient use of available...
A New Flame AAS Application for Magnesium Determination in Solid Pharmaceutical Preparations as an..
Objective: A new application of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) was used to evaluate magnesium as an active ingredient and/or...
Influence of Organic Manure and Bioagents on Growth, Yield and Quality of Okra under Assam ..
Organic inputs and bioagents were tested in a field trial to see how they affected okra development, yield, and quality. The experiment...
Conglomeration of General Linear Model for Epilepsy Clinical Neuroimaging | Asian Journal of ..
An revolutionary standard scheme was created with the aim of creating statistical inferences and explanations based on clinical...
Statistical Modelling of Intensity Modes of Rainfall Using Principal Component Itemization: A..
Increased weather extremes, changes in rainfall patterns, study of heat and cold waves, and increased droughts and floods are all...
Multiple Linear Regression Approach for Strategic Decisions on Industrial Productivity under ..
In industrial environments, proper preparation and increased efficiency are highly desired to maximise available resources when resources...
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