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A Review of Psychosocial Models for the Development of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Common Psychoso
Antifungal Activity of Fruit Extracts of Azadirachta indica on Germination, Infection, Rotten Seeds
Perception of Farmers’ on Soil Fertility Problems and Replenishment Technologies in the North Rift R
Variational and Topological Methods for a Class of Nonlinear Equations which Involves a Duality Mapp
Potential of Various Organic Nutrient Management Practices for Augmenting the Growth, Yield Attribut
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Integrated with Vacuum Tubes Solar
Evaluation of Protective and Therapeutic Potentials of Aqueous Extract of Corn Silk on Gentamicin-In
Impacts of Prosopis juliflora on Abundance and Species Diversity of Forage Species in Turkana County
Age and Gender Trends in Prescribing and Utilization of Lipid-Lowering Drugs at a Public Hospital in
Awareness on the Use of Intravenous Sedation for Periodontal Surgeries - A Questionnaire Based Study