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Study of Groundwater-river Interactions Using Hydrochemical Tracers in Fissured Rock: Case of the...
Water is a vital resource for all populations. However, there are warning signs that the water from the Lobo River used by SODECI to...
An Investigation on Students’ Perception and Expectation from Hospitality Internship Program in ...
The main objective of the study is to describe the intern students’ perceptions about their internship experience at hospitality industry...
Bioelectronic Implants and Their Role in Modern Medicine | Journal of Pharmaceutical Research ...
Humanity turned to medicines millions of years ago, when medicinal plants were used for healing. In the century before last, a...
Fluctuational Dynamics of Extended Systems: Activation-Tunnel Frontier | Physical Science ...
The dynamics of systems in barrier structures is determined by the rate of the fluctuational decay of metastable states in a potential...
Socio-Ecological Correlates of Attitude towards KVK Functioning: A Multivariate Analytical Approach
Krishi Vigyan Kendra was established initially to impart training to the different stakeholders of the farming community as a method of...
FTIR Spectroscopy and Optical Density Characterization of Humic Substances Extracted from Reclaimed
In the present investigation, different tillage and management practices interventions were assessed to note the changes in the...
Comparing Correlation Coefficients and Path Analysis in Different Populations of Rice (Oryza sativa
This study performed to determine the correlation, their comparison and path coefficients of yield and yield contributing characters by...
Profitability of Trade in Moringa oleifera (LAM) Fresh Leaves in Taraba State, Nigeria | Asian ...
This study investigates the profitability of trade in Moringa oleifera (Lam) Fresh Leaves and also examine the Socio-economic...
Status of Aqua Drugs Applied in Freshwater Aquaculture of Moulvibazar District, Bangladesh | Asian..
Aims: Our study aimed to assess the current situation of accessibility and the use of various chemicals and medicines in freshwater...
Chronic Distal Radioulnar Instability- Diagnosis and Treatment: A Review | Journal of Advances in...
The distal radioulnar joint is one of the inherently unstable joint in the body, its injury is commonly missed and the patient may...
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