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Socio-Demographic Factors and Attitudes Influencing the Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis among Pregna
The present study aims to determine the socio-demographic factors and attitudes influencing the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis among...
Phytochemical Screening and Betaxanthines of Pilosocereus catingicola (Gürke) Byles & Rowley Sub
In the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, we find several cacti that are very important for the regional fauna and flora, including...
Motivational Factors in a Blended Learning Course When Teaching Students from Confucian-Heritage Cul
This study explores the attitudes of students with Confucian values toward blended learning classroom. In the Confucian learning culture,...
Improving Biology Students’ Interest and Achievement through Collaborative Instructional Strategy |
Aims: The study was designed to determine the effect of collaborative instructional strategy in improving students’ interest and...
A Comparative Assessment of Pig Manure and Poultry Manure in the Biodegradation of Diesel Contaminat
Aim: This research aims to carry out a comparative assessment on the use of pig manure and poultry manure as a carbon substrate for the...
Use of Polyphenol Extracts from Dioscorea steriscus and Plecranthus esculentus N.E.Br Tubers to Curb
Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the possibility of using polyphenol extracts from Dioscorea steriscus and Plecranthus...
Retrospective Clinico-epidemiological Study of Endometrial Carcinoma, Mansoura Experience |Asian Onc
Aims: Determining epidemiological characteristics and treatment outcome of endometrial carcinoma (EC) patients treated at Clinical...
Rehabilitation of Old and Moribund Cacao Soil Using Organic Amendments in Ibadan and Owena of South
Abstract : Aims: To evaluate the effects of organic amendment in the rehabilitation of two moribund cacao plantations at Ibadan (Oyo...
Nephrotoxicity of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in Wistar Rats | International Journal of Advances in N
Background: Nowadays, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is frequently used as a flavour enhancer, the fact of which makes it one of the most...
Laboratory Assessment of Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients Pre and Post Chemotherapy | Asian Oncology
Aims: Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is a common side effect in cancer patients. Other hematopoietic lineages are also decreased in...
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