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Antibiotic Profile of Staphylococcus aureus on Table Eggs from Ezrad Farms in Iwo Area of Osun State
Surface swabs of the table eggs were carried out using sterile swab sticks. These were inoculated on Mannitol Salt Agar and incubated at...
In vitro Inhibition of Alpha Amylase and Glucosidase of Digestive Snail Juice by Crude Extracts of C
The goal of this work was to study the effect of some solvents as extractants of total polyphenols from cashew cakes and test the ability...
Mycoflora, Proximate Composition and Mineral Analysis during the Storage of Smoked Dried Crayfish (P
This study was carried out to assess the changes in proximate composition, mineral content and mycoflora associated with smoked dried...
Path Analysis of Vegetative Characteristics in Conilon Coffee Production Consortiated with Green Fer
The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between morphoagronomic characters and coffee productivity and their direct...
Effect of Provenance Variations on the Growth and Development of Terminalia ivorensis (A Chev)
Indigenous tree species like Terminalia ivorensis has multiple uses; from timber products to medicinal condiments for treating different...
Growth Performance of Crescentia cujete (Robx) Seedlings as Influenced by Different Watering Regimes
This study investigated the effects of different watering regimes on the growth of Crescentia cujete. The seedlings were subjected to six...
Characteristics of Waste Pickers in Nakuru and Thika Municipal Dumpsites in Kenya
Dumpsite waste picking is prevalent in many developing countries of which Kenya is one. Waste pickers play an important role in waste...
Ultrasound Measurement of the Abdominal Aortic Diameter in a Normotensive and Hypertensive Adult Nig
Background: Hypertension has direct effect on abdominal aortic diameter. Some of its manifestations are aortic aneurysm and dissection....
Correlational Analysis of Interleukin 6, Adiponectin and Lipid Indices in Women with Uterine Fibroid
Background: Uterine fibroids are the most common benign, monoclonal tumours affecting women of reproductive age. Aim: This study...
Comparison of Blood Pressure Measurement with Two Digital Sphygmomanometers
Aims: Identify the correlation between systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurement with digital arm and wrist baumanometers in...
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