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Public Participatory Role in Urban Flood Risk Management of Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam: From Awarene
Urban flooding has become a regular phenomenon in many towns and cities in the world over the past years. Flooding in urban areas in Ho...
Extreme Value Distributions on Closing Quotations and Returns of Islamabad Stock Exchange
This study is an experimental test done on the secondary data of banking sector of Islamabad Stock Exchange for year 2017 and applied...
Knowledge Assessment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in First Professional Medical Students
Objective: To assess the knowledge of first professional medical students of Bolan University of Medical and Health Sciences Quetta about...
Compliance Monitoring of Microbiological and Physicochemical Parameters of Abattoirs’ Effluents Disc
Aims: To assess the quality of abattoir effluents discharged into water bodies in Owerri Municipal, Nigeria using microbiological and...
Effect of Increasing Elevation of Lowland Coastal Saline Soils of Sundarbans (India) on Soil Salinit
The delta region of the river Ganges spreads over India (West Bengal) and Bangladesh is popularly known as Sundarbans. Crop productivity...
Abundance and Morphometric Study of Some Lizards (Agama Lizard, Skinks and Wall Gecko) in the Univer
This study investigated the abundance and some morphometric parameters of lizards (Agama. agama, Hemadactylus. brookii, Trachylepis....
Assessment of Building Collapse Impact on Socio Economic Development in Port Harcourt Metropolis of
The rate of disorganized building construction in Nigeria especially Port Harcourt Metropolis is to a great degree aggravating building...
Aspects of the Fourier-Stieltjes Transform of C*-algebra Valued Measures
This paper deals with the Fourier-Stieltjes transform of C∗-algebra valued measures. We construct an involution on the space of such...
Pattern of Referral Cases to the Obstetrics Unit of the Rivers State University Teaching Hospital fo
Background: Formal education, antenatal care, and improved health services still remain the key to a large-scale reduction in maternal...
Techniques of Mining and Land Grabbing: Destruction of Agricultural Activities in Kerta Buana Villag
Land grabbing is a big problem in developing countries because a land-large acquisition as an act of land grabbing that made...
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