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A Randomized Controlled Trial of Anoscopy and Manual Abdominal Compression to Increase Patient Comfo
In-vitro Anti-Salmonella Activity of Gossypium hirsutum Leaves Extracted with Lime Juice
Hydrocarbon Reservoir Characterization and Modelling, Akos Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria
Comparative Analysis of the Phytochemical Contents of Dry and Fresh Leaves of Sansevieria trifasciat
Evaluation of Sesame Yield and Yield Component under Different NPS Fertilizer Rates in Western Tigra
Impact of Climate Change on Cereal Yield and Production in the Sahel: Case of Burkina Faso
Influence of Faba Bean Production in Salt-affected Soils by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae Inocu
Water Safety Planning and Implementation in a Ghanaian Small-scale Water Supply System
Antidiabetic and Modulatory Effect of Ethanol Extract of Neem Leaf on Some Essential Biochemical Par
Boxers Fracture Treated with Antegrade Prebent K Wire Vs Conservative Management in Young Adults