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Somatics Symptoms and Depression: A Review
Aims: The objective of this review has been to highlight the importance of non-specific and painful symptoms of depression since...
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: Clinical, Histopathological and Radiological Case Series Study: An In
Background: Langerhans cells histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of Langerhans cells...
Differential Response of Cotton Growth, Yield and Fiber Quality to Foliar Application of Spirulina p
Aims: Evaluation if foliar spray of destructed cells of Spirulina platensis along with urea fertilizer can contribute to cotton...
Spruce Woodmeal for Newsprint Applications: A Handsheet Study
This study shows that spruce woodmeal can be an alternative cellulosic-based wood additive for newsprint applications. This study used...
Application of Cationic Tapioca to Unmodified Pearl Corn Starch – A Papermaking Handsheet Study
An handsheet study was performed to compare the application of unmodified pearl corn starch and cationic tapioca starch on 100% recycled...
Giant Fungating Cutaneous Myxoma of the Head and Neck: An Unusual Presentation
Introduction: Virchow first describes Myxomas in 1871; they are benign tumors of primitive indifferent mesenchyme that have preference...
Role of Fenugreek Seeds on both Ovarian and Vaginal Cytology on Rat's Reproductive System: Histo
Background: Reports in the published literature indicate that fenugreek seeds possess significant medicinal effects. The present review...
Prevalence of HIV Infection among Adolescents and Young People at a Tertiary Health Facility in Ekit
Background: Nine out of every 10 of the world’s 1.8 billion adolescents and young people (AYP) live in developing nations, Nigeria...
A Preliminary Study on the Batraco-herpetological Fauna in the Forest Refuge of Albertine Rift, the
Aims: Amphibians and reptiles of the Albertine Rift in the Congolese part of the country are poorly documented. The objective of this...
Variability, Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis: Principle Tools to Explore Genotypes of Brin
To lessen the pressure on staple crops and to combat hidden hunger, vegetable production is the key to success. Massive studies should be...
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