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Maternal Knowledge on Routine Childhood Immunization: A Community Based Cross-sectional Study in Rur
Aims: To determine the knowledge on routine childhood immunization and the factors associated with it among mothers in rural area of Mon...
Optimization of the Performance of Hybrid Solar Biomass Dryer for Drying Maize Using ANSYS Workbench
In this paper ANSYS workbench was used to optimize the performance of hybrid solar biomass dryer for drying shelled maize in order to...
Consumption of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Water Improved Fertility Parameters in Male Wistar Rats
Background: The need for fertility stimulation in men and women cannot be overemphasized especially when a marriage is childless in some...
Impact of Exercise on Some Haematological and Cellular Immune Markers in Male Athletes
Due to conflicting reports on the impact of exercise on haematological and immunological indices, this study investigated the effects of...
Stillbirths in Primary Level Hospitals in Sunyani, Ghana: A Retrospective Data Analysis
Aims: To determine prevalence and factors influencing stillbirth among deliveries. Study Design: A facility-based cross-sectional...
Die Attach Assembly Process Tool Advancement
Die attach film (DAF) voids detection is one of the challenges during the introduction of non-conductive adhesives for integrated circuit...
Reservoir Flow Unit Analysis of Akos Field in Niger Delta
In this study, the flow units of reservoirs of Akos field have been computed with the Stratigraphic Modified Lorenz plot. Cumulative flow...
Nutritional Attributes of Baked Products from Composite Flour of Wheat and Pigeon Pea
The goal of this study was to develop bread and biscuit from mixture of wheat and pigeon pea flours and examine the nutritional quality...
The Social Self of Child Refugee through Cinema: A Sociological – Educational Approach
This paper is concerned with contemporary cinema films about refugees in an attempt to highlight their social self through redefined...
Why did Medical Graduates Appreciate Mentored Student Project? Perspectives of Two Theories
Background: Medical doctors have to develop in professionalism in addition to become competent in clinical skills. Therefore, educators...
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