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Health Literacy and Control of Glycaemia in Diabetes and Blood Pressure in Hypertension; A Study Bas
Aims: To validate Sinhala version of HLS-EU-Q16 and asses the relationship between level of health literacy and control of blood sugar...
Growth and Mortality of Sillago sihama (Forsskål) from Karachi Coast, Pakistan | Asian Journal of Re
Length frequency data of silver sillago, Sillago sihama (Forsskål) were collected and measured from the fisherman catches using beach...
Colorectal Adenocarcinoma in East Africa: A Narrative Literature Review | Journal of Advances in Med
This paper is a review of work done on colorectal adenocarcinoma in East Africa showing geographic spread, age and sex ratios, clinical...
Virulence Factors and Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Non-O157 Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichi
Aims: A great concern directed to non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serotypes due to their public health importance....
The Potential Corrosiveness of Soil Physico- Chemical Properties on Pipelines | Journal of Scientifi
Aim: The study was conducted to determine the potential corrosiveness of selected soil physicochemical properties on pipelines. Study...
Studies on Screening of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Genotypes against Bolting Behaviour | Current Journal
In India, onion is grown during Kharif, late Kharif and Rabi season, though Rabi is the main crop. India is the second largest producer...
Screening of Fungi Isolated from the Brazilian Restinga for Insecticidal Activity | Microbiology Res
Research on microorganisms for the control of pests and pathogens is increasing. Such organisms display antagonistic effects on pests and...
Management of Conflicts Linked to Pastoral Resource Organizations in the El-Bayadh Region (Case of B
Economic, social and political transformations have a manifest effect on the relationships that the various actors have with steppe...
Impact of Industrial Wastewater Irrigation on Heavy Metal Deposition in Farm Soils of Bhaluka Area,
The study was conducted to determine heavy metal contents in industrial wastewater and contaminated soils of Bhaluka, Mymensingh and to...
Histopathological Studies on the Effects of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Senna italica Treatment of Rat
Helminths infections are among the major ailments affecting humans and livestock in many tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world...
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