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The Impact of Meteorological Conditions on the Value of Fresh and Hardened Concrete


The learning scrutinizes the influence of meteorological situations on fresh and case-hardened concrete formed in the South East, Nigeria. The variables considered in the research are temperature as well as relative humidity. The meteorological condition parameters were gained from Nigerian Metrological Agency in Lagos, Nigeria. The middling yearly temperature oscillated 26.39ºC to 32.49ºC was used as a control for the experiment. Slump and strength tests were conducted on concrete samples and results exposed that workability and compressive strength of the concrete was affected by temperature and relative humidity. It was discovered that concrete manufactured in the sunrise hours (9 am-12 noon) when the temperature and relative humidity were little have better quality than those manufactured in the late afternoon (2-4 pm) as portrayed by the results of the tests on the tables. However, the research acclaims that Professionals and other stakeholders in the construction practice should be aware that temperature and relative humidity partake to influence the quality of concrete during production on site. The research also inaugurates that the suitable time to produce high-quality concrete is between the hours of 9 am-2 pm and any other time will call for the use of admixture to produce concrete of similar quality although of a higher cost thus, affecting the budget of the project. In conclusion, professionals in practice are recommended to ensure effective supervision during concrete production.

Keywords : Meteorological conditions; quality; concrete; slump; crush Load; geographical region and crushing strength.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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