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Survey of Medicinal Plants Used in Treating Livestock among the Fulani People of Mararaba -Mubi, Ada


Aim: The study was undertaken to document some medicinal plants used in treating livestock among the Fulani people of Marraba-Mubi.

Place and Duration of Study: Plant samples were collected from Mararaba-Mubi, November 2015- February 2016.

Methodology: All the plant samples collected were dried at room temperature and milled to a coarse powder. Aqueous extraction of the samples was carried out at room temperature. These extracts were phytochemically screened qualitatively for the presence of alkaloid, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids and Phenols using standard procedures.

Results: A total of 25 species of plants belonging to 18 families were collected in which Fabaceae represented 20.0% (5 species), Meliaceae, Malvaceae and Alliaceae 8.0% (2 species/family) respectively. The plant parts mostly used were the leaves 66.67% and the least being the roots 7.41%. The qualitative phytochemical screening of active constituent of the plants revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponin, glycosides, terpenoids and phenols. The survey also reveals that some plants have multiple medicinal uses, while some were being used to cure only one disease. The major threats in the study area were found to be agricultural activities, cutting down of trees for fuel and natural factors.

Conclusion: Mararaba Mubi is relatively rich in medicinal plant knowledge and practice. Therefore, conservation of medicinal plants, documentation and promotion of indigenous knowledge by encouraging research activities is required in the study area.

Keywords : Mararaba; phytochemicals; Fabaceae; plant parts.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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