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Latest parasitology Research Month: April-2019

Isolation and Molecular Biological Characterization of Fowlpox Virus from Specimen of Cutaneous Nodular Lesions from Chickens in Several Regions of Tanzania

Aim: to analyze molecular and organic process characteristics of genes of fowlpox virus (FWPV) isolates from chickens in African nation.

Study Design: Experimental.

Place and length of Study: school of medical specialty, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania; between November 2011 and Gregorian calendar month 2013.

Methodology: Samples of body covering nodular lesions were collected from fledgeless components of chickens (n = 154) suspected to own fowl pox in fourteen regions of African nation followed by virus isolation, desoxyribonucleic acid extraction, enzyme chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the P4b factor, gel dielectrolysis of PCR merchandise, purification of PCR merchandise, sequencing of pure PCR merchandise and at last analysis of sequence information mistreatment customary procedures.

Results: The unwellness was confirmed in twelve regions, out of 154 investigated samples sixty six (42.86%) were found to contain FWPV, indicating that the sixty six chickens from that the samples were collected had fowl pox as a result FWPV infection. Sequence analysis disclosed that the Tanzanian FWPV isolates were ninety nine.65 – 100 percent the image of one another and ninety nine – 100 percent the image of many revealed sequences of FWPV isolates from numerous countries in numerous continents of the planet, together with Europe and Asia. biological process analysis disclosed that every one Tanzanian isolates belong to biological group A, subclade A1.

conclusion: supported the findings of this study it's complete that presently fowl pox is rife in many regions of African nation, caused by FWPVs that square measure genetically and phylogenetically closely connected. However, these findings don't rule out the chance of existence of genetic divergence among FWPVs presently rife in African nation. so as to rule out or discover genetic divergence (if any) among FWPVs presently rife within the country, different studies aimed toward work molecular and organic process characteristics of genes in different genomic regions square measure extremely suggested. [1]

Multi-locus Genotyping Reveals High Occurrence of Mixed Assemblages in Giardia duodenalis within a Limited Geographical Boundary

Aim: to work out the common genotypes of flagellate duodenalis inflicting looseness of the bowels within the study region and to assess the extent of genetic polymorphism among them.

Study Design: Stool samples were collected from the patients attending IDBG Hospital, Calcutta with unconstipated complaints through a general sampling technique and were screened for flagellate duodenalis. The G. duodenalis positive samples were subjected to molecular genotyping through ‘PCR - Direct polymer sequencing’ procedure. All the sequence information obtained were incorporated into MEGA four software package for multiple alignment and validation followed by organic process analysis. The genotyping information obtained ar keep in stand out spreadsheets and incorporated into EpiInfo three.1 for analyzing potential association of genotype outcome with common physical factors like age, sex etc.

Place and length of Study: Department of parasitology, National Institute of Indian cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, Republic of India from Gregorian calendar month 2009 to November 2011.

Methodology: a complete of sixty eight flagellate duodenalis positive stool samples were known from the looseness of the bowels patients attending IDBG hospital within the town and were subjected to multi-locus genotyping. Fragments of ß-giardin, Glutamate-dehydrogenase and Triosephosphate-isomerase genes of Giardiawere amplified from those samples with specific primers and sequenced. All the sequences were analyzed exploitation MEGA four software package for getting the genotyping results.

Results: Multi-locus genotyping known thirteen isolates as assemblage A and forty one as assemblage B, whereas fourteen of them couldn't be assigned during a specific cluster. careful organic process analysis unconcealed that multiple genotypes were determined in those fourteen isolates relying upon the marker loci.

Conclusion: The study may turn out a preliminary plan concerning the G. duodenalis genotypes found in Calcutta town. High share of mixed assemblages within the study population additionally unconcealed the presence of genetic diversity among atiny low population of unconstipated patient among a restricted geographical boundary. it's additionally hypothesized the likelihood of inter-assemblage genetic exchange among flagellate. [2]

Phenotypic Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase and Carbapenemases Produced by Klebsiella spp Isolated from Three Referrals Hospitals in Yaounde, Cameroon

Aims: the most objective of this study was to see the resistance makeup of β-lactamines by enteric bacteria in 3 hospitals in capital of Cameroon.

Study Design: A cross-sectional descriptive study.

Place and period of Study: medical specialty laboratories of 3 referrals hospitals in capital of Cameroon (University Teaching Hospital, General Hospital and Gynaeco-Obstetric and medical specialty Hospital) between might and November 2013.

Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was dispensed over a half-dozen month-period from might to November 2013 within the medical specialty laboratories of 3 referrals hospitals in capital of Cameroon. ninety nine strains ofKlebsiella spp. were collected for the study. Antimicrobial status testing was done exploitation the disc diffusion technique. The antibiotics tested were the β-lactams, alternative inhibitors like clavulanic acid, tazobactam, Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra-Acetic Acid (EDTA), cloxacillin and 3-aminophenyl element acid coordination compound. The minimum repressive concentration (MIC) was conjointly determined to alter the classification of the various resistance phenotypes.

Results: cardinal enteric bacteria spp. were known from excreta (52.5%), blood (21.2%), pus (15.2%) et al sites (11.1%). The distribution of the enteric bacteria spp. was: enteric bacteria pneumoniae pneumoniae (78.7%), enteric bacteria oxytoca (12.12%), enteric bacteria pneumoniae ozaenae (5.05%), and enteric bacteria pneumoniae rhinoscleromatis (4.04%). The isolates were most proof against Pipracil (76%) and cephalosporin, (85%). the foremost active antibiotics were imipenem (99%), and ertapenem (77%). The phenotypical tests disclosed the subsequent resistance phenotypes: extended-spectrum enzyme (30.30%), wild (27.27%), enzyme proof against inhibitors (16.16%), carbapenemase (11.11%). Out of those ninety nine enteric bacteria spp., five were carbapenemases producers of sophistication C and half-dozen of sophistication D. The MIC were variable with totally different antibiotics tested however the MIC of imipenem were invariably below one µg/ml.

Conclusion: The interpretation of the antimicrobial status testing has enabled the institution of a high prevalence of distended spectrum β-lactamase and consequently resulting in a rise within the presence of carbapenemase manufacturing enteric bacteria spp. this might result in therapeutic failure just in case of treatment with beta-lactamines antibiotics. thus this trend must be monitored. [3]


[1] N. Masola, S., Mzula, A., N. Tuntufye, H., J. Kasanga, C. and N. Wambura, P. (2014) “Isolation and Molecular Biological Characterization of Fowlpox Virus from Specimen of Cutaneous Nodular Lesions from Chickens in Several Regions of Tanzania”, Microbiology Research Journal International, 4(7), pp. 759-771. doi: 10.9734/BMRJ/2014/8420.(web link)

[2] Mukherjee, A., Karmakar, S., Raj, D. and Ganguly, S. (2013) “Multi-locus Genotyping Reveals High Occurrence of Mixed Assemblages in Giardia duodenalis within a Limited Geographical Boundary”, Microbiology Research Journal International, 3(2), pp. 190-197. doi: 10.9734/BMRJ/2013/2812.(web link)

[3] Betbeu, A., Kamga, H., Toukam, M., Mbakop, C., Lyonga, E., Bilong, S. and Shiro, S. (2015) “Phenotypic Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase and Carbapenemases Produced by Klebsiella spp Isolated from Three Referrals Hospitals in Yaounde, Cameroon”, Microbiology Research Journal International, 9(1), pp. 1-9. doi: 10.9734/BMRJ/2015/18250.(web link)


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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