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Peer Review History: Effect of Falciparum protozoal infection on hematological Parameters in protozo

Aim: This study was geared toward evaluating varied effects of falciparum protozoal infection on hematological parameters in malaria infected patients.

Study Design: Hospital based mostly cross-sectional study.

Place and period of Study: The study was conducted in Specialist Hospital, Sokoto Metropolis, Sokoto State Nigeria between could 2015 and Gregorian calendar month, 2015.

Methodology: 200 and fifty four (254) protozoal infection suspected patients were recruited for the study. Thick and skinny blood films were ready for every patients and stained with Giemsa to help the detection of protozoal infection parasites. Patients hematological parameters were determined victimization medical specialty analyser (Sysmex KX-21N).

Results: Out of the 254 patients, 167 (65.7%) had protozoal infection. important variations in hematological parameters between P. falciparum protozoal infection parasitemic patients and non parasitemic patients were solely determined in mean (±SD) of the corpuscle (10.13±3.11x10³/µl versus five.10±2.51x10³/µl, P = .003), Hb (12.54±2.15 g/dl versus eight.13±1.68 g/dl, P= .001) and also the living substance count (262.67±112.13x10³/µl versus a hundred twenty five.67±41.70x10³/µl, P = .005). The mean (±SD) values of the red blood cells indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC) and dissentential white corpuscle and white blood corpuscle count didn't considerably differ between the 2 teams. Changes in haemoprotein, platelets and white vegetative cell count are the classical alterations.

Conclusion: Changes in hematological parameters are solely indicators of probable protozoal infection infection, however once used with different clinical and research parameters, they'll considerably improve protozoal infection diagnosing and timely additional treatment for malaria infection.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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