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Deeply Analysis on French Rules of Conflict of Laws

The law, in a general way, has the role of regulating life in society. From this same Law, several rights with branches facilitate their explanation and use in our social life to establish order. This being life in society could be seen as a kind of contract to the extent that it would be difficult for the individual to live without maintaining relationships with others. So, from the moment that there is this exchange between individuals there is what we could call contract. As we know, the contract is defined in law as an agreement by which one or more persons agree to one or more other persons to give, do or not to do something. It should also be specified that there are several kinds of contracts, but the one that will be the main focus of our development is the international contract. An international contract is understood to mean this contract, which, unlike the internal contract, presents an element of extraneity, in other words an international character. For example, a contract between two individuals of different nationality.

The contract thus concluded, the contracting parties may indeed encounter difficulties that may arise at any time, most often due to non-compliance with the terms of the contract. These problems or disputes are often very difficult to resolve because the parties are from different origins, residing in different countries, or bound by commitments made in a country other than their country of residence, hence the existence of different laws. and the birth of what is called a conflict of laws.

This being so, by conflict of laws is meant to be one of the main problems with private international law (the branch of law which deals with the settlement of disputes of private rights having at least an extraneous character). Thus, the question arises as to which law would be applicable in the event of a conflict of laws in the matter of contract, that is, how to choose or determine the applicable law in the course of a dispute with a foreign element? Thus, once the French judge is seized of the dispute, it will be necessary to find the law applicable to the questions of law asked. Assuming that the French judge can apply a foreign law, and that the various foreign laws with links to the litigation have a theoretical vocation to apply, were developed what are called conflict of laws rules which is an abstract rule, indirect (it does not solve the substantive question asked, but only to determine the law competent to resolve this substantive legal issue), and neutral (the substantive solution is not taken into account in the determination of the applicable law).

In order to give answers to our questioning, we will focus on how to choose the law applicable to conflict of laws in matters of contract and this, in the light of French law, the Rome Convention of 19 June 1980 and the Rome 1 Regulation on the law applicable to international contractual obligations.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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