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Socio-economic Characteristics of the Adopters and Non-adopters of Inter-cropping in Areca Nut Plant

The socio-economic status of farmers plays a vital role in Agriculture. It is observed from the present study that the farmers economic level affect the livelihood of the farmers in Ri-Bhoi District of Meghalaya. The farmers have tried to change their way of cropping by introducing inter-crops with the main crops to increase their income level. The purposed of this finding was to compare the difference in the socio-economic characteristics of the adopter and non-adopter of inter-cropping in areca nut plantation in Ri-Bhoi District of Meghalaya. Ri-Bhoi district of Meghalaya is therefore selected for the study. Since time immemorial, areca nut has been grown in Meghalaya as an important commercial crop. Ex-Post Facto research design was used for this study. The sample study was selected through multistage sampling method in the selected study area of the respondents. Number of respondents was selected using a simple random method based on the criteria of practicing areca nut plantation and those who practiced both areca nut plus inter-cropping. A survey of 310 adopters and 310 non-adopters of intercropping in areca nut plantation were selected for the study. Collection of primary data was done by interview schedule and appropriate statistical tools were used for interpretation of the data. Independent variables included in this were gender, age, marital status, educational level, type of house, family size, family type, social category, annual income, information seeking behaviour, participation in extension activities, social participation, innovativeness, scientific orientation, economic motivation and risk orientation. Based on the study it is observed there are few variables contributing to the significant difference between the adopters and the non-adopters in related to their socio-economic characteristics.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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