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Features of Formation of Primary School Pupils` Social Activity

The article is devoted to one of the topical problems of the theory and practice of education -bases of formation of social activity of elementary school students.

In the process of research were used such theoretical methods (analysis, comparison, classification, systematization, generalization); empirical (conversations, surveys, questionnaires, solution of situational tasks, program of pedagogical observations, ranking, methods of unfinished sentences).

The essence of the phenomenon "social activity of students" as a scientific concept is specified; the peculiarities of the formation of social activity of elementary school students are determined; methodological approaches are presented for research of the problem of formation of social activity of students of junior classes: social-pedagogical, system-role, subject-activity and axiological; levels of formation of social activity of elementary school students are revealed; The pedagogical conditions for the formation of social activity of primary school pupils have been theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified, namely: The formation of conscious motivation of students for various types of socially useful activity and subject-subject interaction, which facilitate their gradual transition from passive to active position; use in the educational process of the developed program of the special course and teaching materials "Life Economics - First Steps", social program "Know Yourself" aimed at forming social activity of students; increase of teacher's skills of teachers.

The content and methodological provision of the process of formation of social activity of primary school pupils ZSSO was developed (program of special course and educational-methodical complex "Life Economics - the first steps", social program for pupils of grades 1-4 "Know yourself", the program of increasing readiness of teachers to innovate activity on formation of social activity "Creative teacher").

The study does not exhaust the multidimensional theoretical and practical search for problem solving. Further scientific researches may be aimed at studying the information space of the formation of social activity of junior pupils.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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