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Comparative Effects of Cow Dung and Poultry Manure on the Germination and Growth of Zingiber officin

The study is based on determining the effects of organic manure (cow dung and poultry manure) on the growth & germination of Zingiber officinale using topsoil in the research as the medium of growth. The seeds were subjected to 7 treatments which include cow dung and poultry manures and topsoil only as control treatment. The seeds were sown directly into the polythene pots thoroughly mixed with the organic manures at different levels of application which includes 2.5 g, 5.0 g and 10.0 g with 3 replicates making a total of 21 poly pots. The germination was thoroughly observed for 3 weeks after planting. The experiment was laid in a completely Randomized design with 3 replicates.

The parameters assessed were the plant height, the number of leaves and stem girth. The data collected were subjected to ANOVA.

The Results of the study showed that treatment T1 with cow dung at 2.5 g had the highest plant height of (49.65 cm), stem diameter of (0.458 m) and Number of leaves (12.27) followed by T5 (5.0g of poultry Manure) with plant height of (45.40 cm) stem diameter (0.435 cm) and number of leaves (12.73). Treatment 7 which is the control treatment had the Least Leaf Number of (24), height of (28.97) and stem diameter of (0.257).

Therefore from all the treatments used, cow dung at 2.5 g and poultry manure at 5.0 g are advisable for Raising Zingiber officinale.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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