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Analysis of Physiochemical Parameters of Ground Water: A Case Study

The main sources of water are rain, surface and ground water. These resources are contaminated due to human and industrial activities. Both urban and rural areas, ground water is an eminent source of drinking water. The main objective of this study was to access the quality of ground water in Faisalabad city. From twelve different colonies of the Faisalabad water samples were collected to estimate their physiochemical parameters. The physiochemical parameters such as (pH, Electrical conductivity, Total dissolve solids, Calcium, Bi-carbonates, Total Hardness and chloride) were analyzed and their values were compared with the standard values given by the WHO. In majority of the colonies some parameters were found within permissible parameters of above standard such as pH and total hardness. But in few colonies EC, TDS, Bi-carbonates and chlorides values deviated with reference to the recommended values. On the completion of data physiochemical parameters of ground water, statistical analysis was applied. Descriptive statistics was carried out to evaluate the significant different between means of samples.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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