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Case Report: The Effect of Pentazocine Abuse in a Female Sickle Cell Disease Patient in Calabar, Sou

Background: Pentazocine is a synthetic opioid analgesic with mixed receptor activities. It acts as a partial agonist at the µ-receptor as well as being a kappa agonist. Its analgesic effect is estimated to be about 25-50% greater than that of morphine. Pentazocine acts has a short onset of action which occur about 10-20 minutes after administration and could last 2-4hours.

Aim: The study was aimed at further awakening the consciousness of this growing menace among people living with sickle cell disease as well as proffering solutions to curtail this increasing peril.

Presentation of Case: A 36 years old Nigerian female with three years history of excessive use of parenteral pentazocine on account of sickle cell bone pain crisis. She commenced self-administration after exposure by a private hospital on account of bone pain crisis where other analgesic fails to give her the necessary relieve. Hence, the beginning of her dependency. She started with two ampules daily and later increased to 20 ampules on the account of this, patient was said to have developed cutaneous and musculoskeletal complication. A diagnosis of pentazocine addiction in a SCD patient was made, she was admitted and jointly managed by a Psychiatrist, Phychologist, Haematologist and Plastic Surgeon. We hereby advocate for effective legislation, orientation and reorientation of health workers and the society at large about the risks and complication of parenteral pentazocine abuse. This menace can possibly be curtailed if oral formulation is made available and less addictive medications are used.

Conclusion: Analgesics that are less addictive should be administered after examining the nature of pain before furtherance to stronger analgesic which could predispose to addiction.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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