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Neural Oxidant-stress by Azadirachtin Induces Anti-oxidative Enzymes Evincing Biomarker Potential in

Azadirachtin (C35H44O16/AZT) develops antifeedancy/growth-regulation/fecundity-suppression/ sterilization/oviposition/repellence and deformity in insect via biochemical/cellular changes and causes their death. Agricultural productivity/quality/eco-sustainability is concerned to this issue. ROS are cytotoxic-factors generated in invertebrates in stress-conditions. The present in-vivo/in-vitro study aimed to investigate the impact of dose dependant AZT toxicity on oxidative-stress-marker (alkaline-phosphatise/ALP; thiobarbituric-acid-reactive-substances/TBARS; non-protein-soluble-thiols/NPSH; acetyl-cholinesterase/AChE) and antioxidant-enzyme activity (superoxide-dismutase/SOD; catalase/CAT; glutathione-peroxidise/GPx; amylase) in brain/hemolymph of Spathosternum prasiniferum prasiniferum (Walker,1871) (Orthoptera:Acridoidea). Acridids are highly abundant and bio-indicator of grassland-ecosystem. During cultivation, insects are exposed (dose/time dependant) to AZT. AZT developed restlessness, jerky-movements and swarming-movements in the insects. It promoted oxidative-stress-marker in brain/hemolymphin both sexes but female had significantly stimulated antioxidant-enzymes to overcome cellular-stress. Increase of brain TBARS, antioxidant-enzymes and decrease in NPSH by AZT indicates oxidative-stress induction in this species. In several instances damage to the brain DNA was noticed. In general female insect responded more intensely with some prominent adaptive strategies.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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