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Study of Effect of Cowpea Biscuits Supplementation on Nutritional and Cognitive Development of Malno

This study aimed to determine the effect of supplementation of cowpea biscuits on nutritional status and cognitive development of malnourished pre-school children. Pre-school children, aged 3-5 years, from Saraswati Shishu Mandir School, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand, India) were screened for low weight for age. Malnourished children (N=48), who volunteered, were divided equally into three groups viz. control I (no supplementation), control II (refined wheat flour biscuits) and experimental group (cowpea biscuits) and subjected to intervention for the period of three months. Parameters like height, weight, mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) and cognitive development was analyzed before and after supplementation in each month. No significant differences between groups were observed during follow-up concerning height, weight, MUAC. Experimental group supplemented with cowpea biscuits outperformed significantly in all the domains of cognitive development as compared to control groups. The study concluded that cowpea supplementation is likely to be more effective in cognitive development of malnourished preschool children in short period of time.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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