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The Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Academic Performance of the Univer

Student performance has several elements, but most significant is the role the information and communication technology plays. The performance of students in modern education is quite different from the traditional method used over the past decades. ICT is a revolution and has indeed bridged the divided world of information into single entity; it has further enhanced the resourcefulness of students in various academic institutions around the globe. This study is a fact finding into the role of ICT as it relates to students performance in modern education and the traditional method of research in time past. University of Benin (Uniben) Post Graduate Students were used to solicit information required for the research decision. From the findings, it was observed that there is a significant difference between the users and non users of ICT facilities on academic activities. Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 as tabulated below shows the positive impact of ICT on student performance. The testing, t-test was 1.96 at 0.05 significance level, while the t-value was 4.677 and this to a large degree shows clear distinction to viability of the impact of ICT on the positive performance on students.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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