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The Effect of Ellagic Acid on Paraoxanase - 1 Activity and DNA Damage in Acute Exercise

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between exhaustive and intensive exercise with changes in paraoxonase-1 enzyme activity, oxidative DNA damage and the role of ellagic acid against possible damage.

The study was carried out on 32 male and adult Spraque - Dawley rats at the Experimental Animal Research and Research Center of Afyon Kocatepe University. The experimental animals were equally divided into four groups. Swimming exercises were performed as acute exercises for once and experimental animals are made to swim in groups including two rats following the completion of the study and before the decapitation.

At the end of the experiment, obtained blood samples; Paraoxonase-1 (PON-1), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and 8-HydroxyGuanine (8-OhdG) levels were measured to determine DNA damage and DNA damage was assessed by Comet Assay method.

As a result, PON-1 levels in rats with intense swimming training were found to be significantly lower (p <0.05) than the control group. MDA and (8-OhdG) levels were significantly higher in the swimming group than in the control group (p <0.05). As to the DNA damage determination by COMET analysis, DNA damage was observed in the swimming groups according to the control groups. When the ellagic acid groups were compared with the swimming groups, there was a significant increase in PON-1 levels, and the levels of MDA and (8-OhdG) were significantly lower than the swimming groups. The DNA damage was also found to be low in these groups.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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