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Open Landfill Biomedical Wastes Disposal System and Impact on Health as Perceived by Health Workers

This paper examined the influence of open land fill as a biomedical wastes disposal system and perceived impact on health among health workers in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. One hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. Literature review was carried out based on the variable under study. Ex-post facto research design was considered most suitable for the study. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the 401 respondents sampled for the study. A validated 30 item four point modified likert scale questionnaire was the instrument utilized for data collection. The reliability estimate of the instrument was 0.91 using Cronbach Alpha method. To test the hypotheses formulated for the study simple linear regression statistical too was used at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that there was a significant positive influence of open land fill of biomedical wastes on health as perceived by health workers in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State. It was recommended among others that dumpsites should be properly located and managed to minimize its effects on residents and government and municipalities should revise laws regarding the locations of the dumpsites.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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