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Saliva - An Efficient Tool in the Estimation of Glucose Level - A Comparative Study

Diabetes mellitus necessitate a repeated observation of serum glucose levels in the body. The commonly used diagnostic fluid for finding the glucose levels in the blood, but it is an invasive and unpleasant custom.

Methods: Twenty diabetic and non-diabetic subjects were randomly selected. The perceptible assessment of blood and salivary glucose levels were performed by the glucose oxidase enzyme method using glucose oxidase-peroxidase kit.

Results: A correlation was observed between HbA1c and salivary glucose of diabetic as well as non-diabetic subjects. The result showed a highly convinced positive correlation between salivary glucose and serum glucose in both diabetic patients and controls.

Conclusion: From this study, it was achieved that salivary glucose level was a nearly new noninvasive indicative technique, and used as a survey tool to estimate the glycemic state of Type II diabetes mellitus patients.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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