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Granulometric and Mineralogical Characterization of Port-bouet Beach (Côte d’Ivoire)

Granulometric analysis of sampled sands along Port bouet coastline, during both periods (turbulent and calm periods), shows a wide particle size spectrum ranging from fine sand to very coarse sand. It should be noted, however, that the coarse fraction is largely predominant, particularly in channel proximity. This trend continues during both periods, caused by a grain size selection resulting from west-east direction coastal drift. Study of heavy minerals shows a very uniform mineralogical cortege, largely dominated by quartz, biotite and feldspaths. These minerals would come essentially from erosion of continental shelf granites. They are distributed along the coast by a coastal drift in a west-east direction. Study of sands transport mechanisms, collected on Port Bouet coast during the two seasons, May and November shows three modes of transportation: loading for very coarse sands, saltation for medium and coarse sands, and suspension for finer particles. Saltation is the mode of transport that predominates in all sectors, regardless of the observation period. Rates vary between 80 and 90% depending on the sector. Sediments transported by suspension and loading generally do not reach 12%. Please read full article : -


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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