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Correlation between Morphological Architecture of Rice Seed and Transmission of Fungal Pathogens

A total of ten rice (Oryza sativa L) seed samples of variety BR 28 were collected from the farmers of (Salakandi, Boira) Mymensingh,Bangladesh. Prevalence of fungi was recorded as Bipolaris oryzae, Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium moniliforme,through blotter test. Statistically B. oryzae wasrecorded as the highest prevalent fungus in all the seed samples of various architectural categories of seeds such as large (14.5%), medium (9.5%), small (11.5%) followed by (14.5%) and (4.5%), respectively in shriveled and chaffy seeds. While in large, medium and small seeds F. moniliforme was recorded significantly as the least prevalent pathogen. The effect of colour on the transmission of B. oryzae was recorded as the highest in number in case of bright seeds (8.5%) and spotted seeds (dark brown) (17.5%). The effect of smooth and rough surface on the prevalence of fungal pathogen B. oryzae was recorded as the highest in number in case of awnned seed (21.5%), smooth surface (12.25%) and rough surface seeds (18.5%). The regression equations of the fungal pathogens indicate that the morphological architecture of the seeds shape & size, colour and smooth and roughness significantly correlated with the transmission of pathogens Statistically, the highest germination of seeds was recorded in the medium sized (83.5%). The highest germination of seed was recorded in the spotted seed (69.5%). The minimum germination of seed was recorded in the bright colour seed. The highest germination of seed was recorded in the awnned seed (59.5%) followed by smooth surface (37.5%) and rough surface (53.5%). These results obviously indicate the tangible effect of the seed architecture at the transmission of the fungal pathogens affecting the planting value as well as germination of the rice seeds. Please read full article : -


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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