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Effect of Brainstorming Technique on Study Habit among Secondary School Students in Anambra and Enug

Aims: The general purpose of this study is to determine the effect of brainstorming techniques on secondary students study habit.

Study Design: The study adopted the quasi-experimental (pre-test-post-test control group) design.

Place and Duration of Study: 800 senior secondary school II students from Anambra State and Enugu State of Nigeria, between February 2019 and August 2019.

Methodology: This study on effect of brainstorming technique on secondary school students study habit adopted the quasi-experimental research design, more specifically the non-randomized pre-test – post test control group design. Quasi-experimental study is a type of experimental study that determines the effect of a treatment paradigm on a non-randomized sample. The sample for the study was 800 senior secondary schools students (350 male and 450 female). The study habit inventory questionnaire with a reliability index of .897 was used in data collection. Mean and standard deviation was used in answering the research questions while ANOVA was used in testing the null hypothesis.

Results: At 0.05 level of significance, the analysis of the data collected revealed a mean gain of 38.13 between the control and experimental groups, and a difference in mean gain of 4.61 for male and female students. This indicates that brainstorming was more effective for the experimental group and further shows that the effect differs with respect to gender. The findings revealed there was no difference in the mean post test scores of students who received treatment using brainstorming technique and those in the control group (p = 0.416, 0.05) also there was a significant difference in the mean post test scores of male and female secondary school students (p=0.026, 0.05).

Conclusion: The study concluded that brainstorming technique is effective for improving secondary school students study habit.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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