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Evaluation of Seed Pre-sowing Treatment Effects on Seedling Emergence and Morphological Growth Param

The multiple products derivable from Acacia auriculiformis in terms of its soil nutrient augmentation by virtue of its nitrogen fixation capabilities are incontrovertible. This is in addition to being an ornamental, evergreen and shade providing tree, But its seed dormancy and dearth of knowledge regarding its growth rates in different soil types had hampered large scale production of its seedlings. Thus, an evaluation of the effects of some seed pre-sowing treatments on its seedling emergence (rates and percentages) and morphological growth parameters (external) in different soil types were investigated at the Screen House of the Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria for a period of 8 weeks. The experimental design was a 4 × 3 factorial experiment in completely randomized design comprising 4 different soil types, 3 pre – sowing treatment methods (replicated thrice). Seedling emergence (rates and percentages) and external morphological growth indices (plant height, collar girth, number of leaves and leaf area) were investigated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was employed in processing the data collected by employing relevant statistical package (SPSS 20.0). Results indicated that seeds pretreated with concentrated sulphuric acid and sowed in sandy loam (a3b1) emerged as the best treatment combination in terms of seedling emergence rate and percentage, morphological growth indices (significant at P<0.05) while the control (aobo: river sand with untreated seeds) had the lowest values.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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