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Experts’ Points of View on Developing Local Organic Bazaars in Turkey

Aims: This study, in general, determined experts’ point of views on developing local organic bazaars in Turkey. Participants were 103 experts engaged with organic bazaars in different provinces of Turkey. The specific objectives were to identify a general profile of the expers engaged in organic bazaars in Turley, to determine respondents’ opinions about the current status of organic bazaars, and to develop recommendations for the development of organic bazaars in the future.

Place and Duration of Study: Questionnaires were completed in three different workshops held in İstanbul, İzmir, and Samsun provinces in 2018. Data analysis and writing the manuscript carried out at Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Samsun Turkey.

Methodology: Experts of organic bazaars from producers, sellers, controllers, ministry employees, or municipality representatives served as respondents. This study used descriptive statistics to analyze quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative responses.

Results: Respondents stressed that local organic bazaars in Turkey will be very effective in producing and consuming of organic commodities. As the bazaars are distribured across the country, more farmers will be engaged in organic production while more consumers will have access to organic products at reasonable prices. However, deficiencies particularly in management and legal regulation of local organic bazaars were also noted. Main measures to be taken to establish and improve organic bazaars included increasing trust and transparency, establishing sample organic bazaars in all provinces, focusing both on domestic and international markets, overcoming bureaucratic barriers, implementing a favorable price policy, examining successful organic bazaars, and publicizing organic commodities.

Conclusion: In order to overcome the obstacles and develop local organic bazaars in Turkey, cooperation among the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Trade, and local municipalities is necessary. In addition, NGOs at local levels should take initiative to support organic bazaars. Municipalities should provide adequate places accessible for consumers, producers, and processors. Moreover, social spaces should be established in organic markets where consumers, families and children can spend good time.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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