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Effect of Ethephon and Storage Temperature on Physico-chemical Changes during Ripening of Mango (Man

Mango fruits Cv. Neelum treated with ethephon of different concentrations i.e. 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm for five minutes at different temperature conditions viz., 16, 20, 24 and 28ºC with 80% RH ripened in ripening chamber and untreated fruits kept at ambient temperature (30-34ºC). Then the mango fruits were analyzed for physico-chemical changes and sensory qualities. It was found that mango Cv. Neelum ethephon dip treatment placed in the ripening chamber triggered the ripening process and showed that the significant increasing trends in L*, a*, b* values of colour, TSS (°Brix), PLW (%), reducing sugars (%), pH and decreasing trends in firmness (N), acidity during ripening in all the treatment combinations during advancement of storage period in ripening chamber. It was observed that mango fruits Cv. Neelum ripened by ethephon dip treatment of 750 ppm for 5 minutes at 20ºC, 80% RH showed better results in respect of a high overall acceptability score of 8.50.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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