Emotional Intelligence and Social Abilities are a Priority in Asperger’s Adolescents
Objective: To analyze the influence of Emotional Intelligence and Social Abilities development as interventions in an Asperger’s adolescent, to facilitate his interpersonal relationships.
Materials and Method: Qualitative and ethnographic methodology with intervention in different settings like personal, family and scholar; one Asperger’s adolescent, his mother, his teachers and school authorities informed through deep semi-structured interviews, with a 5 year follow up. Participants signed an informed consent and the qualitative analysis was according to de Souza Minayo.
Results: Two categories emerged: 1. Emotional impact in his parents due to lack of empathy in their son. 2. Language problems that impair his communication with peers and teachers.
Conclusion: Interventions favored identification and thinking of self and others’ emotions, regulate negative behaviors, increase of assertive and better interpersonal relationships.
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