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Risk Study of Hydrocarbon Impacted Surficial Soil at the Heavy Duty Diesel Generator Plant in Delta

Aim: To analyse the potential risk of hydrocarbon polluted surficial soil, from a heavy-duty generator plant at Delta Campus, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Study Design: Conceptual site model (CSM).

Methodology: A CSM was designed and applied prior to sample collection in order to screen for heavy metals and other chemicals of concern (COCs) from three different high-risk points. The CSM showed a credible source-pathway-receptor chain at three high-risk points. Risk assessment associated with the heavy metals was significantly reduced based on the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) – Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry In Nigeria (EGASPIN) values after 28 days of bioremediation study.

Results: The hazard quotient of the target (COCs) namely Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium and Lead was less than one (< 1). This suggests that the study area does not pose significant risk on both Adults and children.

Conclusion: The evaluation is essential for the formulation of remedial actions and risk-based management plans geared toward risk reduction. In other words, it is an approach to the determination of imminent risk posed by a pollutant to the environmental proxies. Poor education and sensitization of the public on the causal effect of pollution have been identified as a leading cause of indiscriminate pollution of the environment.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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