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Impact of Formative Evaluation Modes on Learning Outcomes among Senior Secondary Agricultural Scienc

This study examined the effect of formative evaluation modes on secondary school agricultural science students’ learning outcomes in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It was a pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental/control group research that relied on multi-stage sampling technique in the selection of respondents. Five (5) instruments developed and validated by the researchers were used to generate data from 200 SS11 students exposed to Agricultural science and farming techniques in secondary schools. Collected data were analysed using mean scores and standard deviation as well as Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) at .01 level of significance. Formative evaluation modes with feedback and remediation, which enabled respondents, develop good study habit and positive interpersonal relationship with their instructors and peers have proved to be very effective in the assessment and improvement of students’ learning outcomes. The improvements in respondents’ performances were observed in both achievements in and attitude to learning Agricultural science. It could thus be concluded from this study that formative evaluation modes with feedback and remediation are effective in improving farmers’ achievement in and their attitude to learning more about Agricultural science. Formative evaluation modes with feedback and remediation enabled young farmers to engage in consistent studying. It allowed the farmers to be exposed to different formative evaluation techniques such as peer assessment, projects, group assignment instead of the usually test and individual assignment that they were used to. Need for Agricultural science instructors to acquire necessary skills in the development of various formative evaluation modes/techniques needed for the assessment of the cognitive and affective domains of the young farmers was raised. Such techniques include written quiz, end-of-lesson assessment, peer assessment, individualized task, project, group assignment, attitudinal scales, and socio-metric scale among others.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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