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Extraction Procedure Optimization of Atenolol from Dried Plasma Spots

Aims: Atenolol is one of the β-blockers widely used for the treatment of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. To simplify the methods for determining of drugs concentrations in blood and plasma the dried spots assays (dried blood spots or dried plasma spots) could be used. In this case high sensitive detector like mass-spectrometer is required as well as high level of drug recovery from dried spot. In this study the extraction of atenolol from dried plasma spots (DPS) was studied to offer the optimum parameters of extraction method.

Study Design: Short research articles.

Place and Duration of Study: Core Facility of Mass Spectrometric Analysis, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS, between January and October 2019.

Methodology: The organic extraction method was chosen for evaluation as the most suitable for LC-MS assay. Several parameters: % of organic solvent, presence or absence of 0.1% formic acid, time, volume and temperature of extraction were investigated to find the best combination for atenolol recovery from DPS for further LC-MS analysis.

Results: Results showed that the solvent composition and temperature has main influence on the extraction. The effect of extraction time and volume of solvent have no significant influence on atenolol recovery. Pure acetonitrile is the worst solvent for atenolol extraction from DPS. The solvents: MeOH:H2O (60:40, v:v), MeOH:0.1% FA in H2O (60:40, v:v), ACN:0.1% FA in H2O (50:50, v:v) or ACN:MeOH (60:40, v:v) provide the best recovery of atenolol . The optimum extraction temperature is 40°C, time of extraction is 15-30 min and volume of solvent - 200-300 μL.

Conclusion: Several solvents acceptable for LC-MS analysis with optimized recovery parameter from DPS can be used for routine extraction of atenolol.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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