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Adolescent Obesity and Overweight Prevalence amongst Urban Population of Pakistan

Background: Adolescent obesity is a worldwide threatening health challenge. Current study was designed to assess the obesity and overweight occurrence in adolescent age groups of 12-18 years pertaining to high and low income groups of the city of Quetta Pakistan.

Methods and Results: A total of 2000 school children were investigated and classified into 1088 High Income Category (HIC) and 912 Low Income Category (LIC). Obesity and overweight were reviewed by using Body Mass Index (BMI) and Triceps Skin Fold Thickness (TSFT) specifying age and sex values for adolescents. By using BMI as the core value, occurrence of obesity and overweight remained as 1.3% to 0.5% in LIC respectively. And in HIC the obesity and overweight percentile remained 3.3% and 1.5% respectively (p<0001). While using TSFT criteria, the obesity and overweight occurrence in LIC was 0.4% and 0.4% and in HIC the obesity and overweight assessments were 1.4% and 0.7% respectively (p˂0001). Current study presented that obesity and overweight occurrence found higher in HIC compared to LIC adolescent age groups. This emphasizing the possibilities based on modified pattern of dietary habits and physical activities with mount in income height.

Conclusions: Socioeconomic condition matters in pattern of obesity and overweight amongst adolescent.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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