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Variation in Leaf Constituents and Biochemical Indices of Rats given Psidium guajava from Two Differ

Variation in leaf (heavy metal) constituents and biochemical indices of rats given leaf samples of Psidium guajava from two different areas were evaluated. Results obtained for heavy metal constituents the leaf samples showed the presence of mercury (0.14±0.01 mg/100 g), lead (2.90±0.10 mg/100 g), cadmium (0.05±0.01 mg/100 g), copper (5.01±0.17 mg/100 g), chromium (0.40±0.01 mg/100 g), and cobalt (5.64±0.64 mg/100 g) in P. guajava leaf sample from crude oil polluted area. Only copper (0.80±0.20 mg/100 g) was observed in P. guajava leaf sample from non-crude oil polluted area. The biochemical studies on the leaf samples were carried out using standard methods. Thirty-six rats were distributed in six subgroups with six rats each, under three main groups (I-III). Three of the subgroups were placed on P. guajava leaves from crude oil polluted area (designated Ia, IIa and IIIa) while the other three subgroups were placed on P. guajava leaves from non-crude oil polluted area (designated Ib, IIb and IIIb). The haematological parameters of rats placed on P. guajava from crude oil polluted area such as RBC, Hb, PCV, MCV, and MCH were significantly affected (p<0.05) when compared to those of rats placed on P. guajava from non-crude oil polluted area. AST and ALT liver enzymes significantly increased in rats placed on P. guajava leaves from crude oil polluted area against rats placed on P. guajava leaves from non-crude oil pollute area. Since data obtained with animals become more severe when translated to humans, it therefore becomes pertinent for those that use medicinal plants from crude oil polluted areas to become aware of the possible effects of using such plants. This study has evaluated the variation in leaf constituents and biochemical indices of rats given leaf samples of Psidium guajava from two different areas were evaluated.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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