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Performance of Salt Tolerant Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Genotypes at Coastal Belt in Banglades

The experiment was conducted at Golgolia village, Debhata upazila under Satkhira District of Bangladesh during the period from November 2015 to March 2016.This study was conducted to identify salt tolerant genotypes by analyzing the agromorphognic traits to identify the best salt tolerant genotypes in coastal belt of Bangladesh. During stressed condition, the plants became stunted, leaves showed chlorosis, fruits became smaller and gradually died. Large amounts of land in southern region of Bangladesh remain uncultivable due to high level of soil salinity. The salinity affected areas of Bangladesh are increasing rapidly. To overcome the salinity problem saline soils can be used to grow salt-tolerant plants. Thus development of salt tolerant crops is a key to agricultural goal. Thirty tomato genotypes were laid out and evaluated under field condition in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Collected data were statistically analyzed using MSTAT-C computer package program. Yield contributing characters like number of cluster per plant was obtained maximum from genotype G8 (27.67/plant), maximum fruits per cluster from G25 (9.00/cluster), fruits per plant from G8 (195.67/plant). Yield per plant and yield per plot was found highest in genotype G27 (3.28 kg/plant & 29.56 kg/plot respectively). G27 genotypes could also be served as parent material for future hybridization or genetic transformation program in Bangladesh. Please read full article : -


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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