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Comprehensive Socioeconomic and Demographic Profile of Farm Households in West Bengal, India

Socio demographic data of Comprehensive Scheme for study on Cost of cultivation of Principal Crops (CCPC) has been utilized in the present study to identify the distribution of social, economic and demographic characteristics of farm households among different agro climatic zones of West Bengal. The demographic study observed that majority farmers in the study area are small farmers (43.83%) with an average land holding size of 1.5 hectares and have crop production as a major occupation. The households in this study are medium sized families (4 to 6 members). The educational status of households revealed that 80.70% were literates and only 19.30% were illiterates. Majority of them have secondary level of education and minimum of two members earn money for their family. The annual family income of farm households revealed that 50.67% farm households annual income range falls below Rs. 24,000 per annum, and they were considered as living under the poverty line. The average labour force participation rate in West Bengal is 67%. Chi square test revealed that the distribution of these characteristics viz. land holding size (= 32.55; P < .01), farmers’ education (= 46.22; P < .01), farm household education (= 58.42; P < .01), farmers’ age (= 39.94; P < .01), dependency status (= 30.05; P < .01), labour force participation rate (= 17.69; P = .05), farmers occupation (= 27.63; P = .05) and annual net family income (= 35.33; P = .05) found significant and independent among the different agro-climatic zones of West Bengal. It is concluded that the significant socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are crucial as it gives insight into the influence of capital and education on the household economic status. We recommended that the constructive plans should be formulated to take advantage of these aspects, which could positively alter the economic conditions of the farming community.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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