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Comparative Paper-making Potentials of Three Species from the Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae Family

Fibre dimensions are of great significance due to their strong relationship with the strength properties of wood and paper. The fibre characteristics of three selected plant species (Verbenaceae family - Duranta erecta and Lantana camara, Lamiaceae family- Vitex doniana ) were determined and their pulp and paper making potentials were compared with that of Gmelina arborea. The mean fibre lengths of the species were found to be short since they were less than 1.6mm. Gmelina arborea has the highest slenderness ratio with a mean value of 29.8241±1.0928 and the highest coefficient of flexibility (0.8584±0.0109). The Runkel ratio was highest in Duranta erecta recording an average of 0.6507±0.0638. However, the derived fibre values: slenderness ratio, coefficient flexibility and Runkel ratio of the species studied were considered to be good paper making potentials, therefore, making Duranta erecta, Lantana camara, and Vitex doniana a suitable substitute for Gmelina arborea in the papermaking industries.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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