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Critical Assessment of Technical Programme under Tribal Sub Plan in Jammu & Kashmir

The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skill and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational practical skills. A study was conducted by Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute (CSR&TI), Pampore to find out the change in knowledge after the exit level in comparison with entry level assessment of Technical Orientation Programme (TOP) Under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP), was sponsored by Sericulture Development Department (SDD) of Kashmir, Government of Jammu & Kashmir, during 2018-19.Total 15 trained SDD staff was selected for the study. The data revealed that, majority of the trained SDD staff had change in knowledge about sericulture technologies/practices after the exit level in comparison with entry level assessment. In case of single trainee there was no change in knowledge about sericulture technologies/practices after the training programme. The data clearly indicated that, mean knowledge score of trained SDD staff with respect to entry level assessment was 5.267 and in case of exit level assessment was 7.600, respectively. The data revealed that, variance score of trained SDD staff with respect to entry level assessment was 1.924 and in case of exit level assessment was 0.686 respectively. This clearly shows that, significant change in knowledge after the exit level assessment with p value 0.00002. This training programme helped in capacity building of SDD staff by increasing the knowledge level, improved skills and self confidence.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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