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Prevalence and Antibiogram of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from West African Mud Creeper (Tympano

The menace of opportunistic infections arising from food contamination can be tackled with knowledge of agents effective against the etiologic agents. A bacteriological examination was carried out on Tympanotonos fuscatus (West African Mud Creeper) sold at different markets in Port Harcourt, Nigeria with interest on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and their antibiogram using standard microbiological methods. Results showed that parboiled samples had the mean total heterotrophic bacterial counts between 26.33±11.02x106 and 85.67±3.79x106 cfu/g, total coliform counts, 6.0±1.73x106 and 13.0±7.21x106 cfu/g and total Pseudomonad counts, 0.00 and 0.67±1.16x102 cfu/g. Roasted samples had total heterotrophic bacterial counts between 40.0±1.73x106 and 45.75±3.86x106 cfu/g, total coliform counts, 10.0±7.211x106 and 13.0±9.539 x 106 cfu/g and total Pseudomonad counts, 6.67±4.619x102 and 20.75±22.824 x102 cfu/g. There was difference (p<0.05) in the total heterotrophic bacteria counts of parboiled samples from the different markets but none in coliform and Pseudomonads counts. No difference (p>0.05) was recorded in counts from the roasted samples. Thirty-two (32) Pseudomonas isolates were obtained from the markets occurring least in the parboiled 6 (18.75%) samples compared to roasted 26 (81.25%) samples. Mile3 market had the highest occurrence 3 isolates (50%) for parboiled samples whereas Mile1 market with 1 isolate (16.67%) was lowest. Results of Antibiogram revealed that Pseudomonas species had varying sensitivity to all the antibiotics tested and was most susceptible to Ofloxacin (90.6%) and most resistant to Nalidixic acid (84.4%). Although the counts obtained are within the upper limits (5x107cfu/gm) recommended by the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF), there is need to properly cook Tympanotonus fuscatus before consumption to reduce risks of opportunistic pathogens. Infections from Pseudomonas species may be managed with appropriate doses of ofloxacin.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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