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Study of f(T) Dark Energy Model Using Different Choices of the Cosmological Scale Factor

In this paper, we investigated the behaviors of some cosmological parameters as a function of redshift z using some dark energy models namely intermediate, logamediate and emergent scenarios of the universe adopting their cosmological scale factors in the frame work of the teleparallel gravity or the f(T) theory. By considering the present value of cosmological parameters, the behaviors of deceleration, jerk, kerk and lerk parameters and equation of state showed that the universe has an accelerated expansion behavior described by phantom-like behavior. The stability of the model was studied using the squared speed of sound v2s verifying that the model is stable. Finally, we discussed the generalized second law of thermodynamics’s (GSLT) validity. The positive behavior of the entropy indicates that the GSLT is verified. These results of functions are in agreement with the recent observational data.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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