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The Effects of Combining Farm Yard Manure, Starter Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Zinc on Growth and Yield

Green gram (Vigna radiate l.) is an important legume grown within Kenyan Coast. Despite the crops importance as a locally available nutrient supplement, its production is constrained by declining soil fertility caused by poor agronomic practices. A field experiment was established during the March-June, 2019 long rains in multi locational sites at Matuga and Mivumoni in Kwale County. The experiment was aimed at investigating the effect of integrating farm yard manure, zinc and starter nitrogen and phosphorus on soil fertility, growth and yield of green grams. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Treatments included: Zinc, NP, Manure, Manure+ zinc, NP+ zinc and control. Green gram variety tested was KS20. Data collected included: Initial soil chemical properties, plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of pods per plant, grains per pod, weight of 100 grains, biomass and grain yield. Results showed that Zinc+ manure significantly promoted the highest plant height, number of leaves, grain yield. Plots treated with zinc+ manure recorded 32% higher plant height and 46% higher grain yield compared to NP applied plots. In conclusion, integration of manure and zinc was most effective in promoting green grams growth and yield. Since, this research was carried out on station in ferralic, chromic Luvisols; there is need for long term trials in farmers’ fields with diverse soil properties and environmental conditions.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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