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Prevalence and Pattern of Pneumonia among Children Admitted into University of Port Harcourt Teachin

Introduction: Pneumonia is the leading cause of death among children, it accounts for 17.0% of under- five deaths in Nigeria yearly. The aim of this study is to determine the pattern of pneumonia among children in Port Harcourt.

Materials and Methods: A 2year retrospective descriptive study was done; the admission and discharge records at the children emergency ward (CHEW) and folders of patients admitted for pneumonia were used to retrieve information.

Results: A total of 2169 children were admitted into CHEW from 2017- 2018, this comprised of 1089 (50.2%) males and 1080 (49.8%) females. Of the 2169 children, 286 (13.2%) of them had pneumonia. More males (16.9%) compared to females (9.4%) had pneumonia, with a significant gender difference. (ê­“2 = 26.29, p = < 0.001) Males were twice more likely to have pneumonia compared to the females (OR = 1.95, CI= 1.51-2.54). The highest prevalence of Pneumonia (27.1%) was amongst children < 1 year old (P = <0.001). Thirteen (4.6%) of those that had pneumonia died. Mortality was highest (9.2%) among those who presented late (> 5 days after onset of symptoms.) (ê­“2 =10.73, p = 0.03).

Conclusion: Childhood pneumonia is still a burden among children in Port Harcourt. Early presentation to the hospital may reduce the mortality. Please read full article : -


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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