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Association of Innovative Work Behaviour, Organizational Frustration and Work-family Conflict among

Private sector is so challenging and demanding owing to market competitions and unfavorable work environment which frustrate employees’ efforts. Against this backdrop, this study explored the association of innovative work behavior, organizational frustration and work-family conflict among employees of Innoson Technical and Industrial Company Ltd Emene, Enugu, Nigeria. The sample population of the study comprised 112 private sector workers (89 males and 23 females) with age range from 23-56 years with a mean age of 32.5 who were selected through simple random sampling. Instruments for data collection were: Innovative work behaviour scale, organizational frustration scale and work-family conflict scale. In the method session, Correlation design was adopted and Pearson chi-square statistic was used to analyze the association among variables. Three hypotheses guided the inquiry and the result indicated that: innovative work behaviour was significantly associated with organizational frustration and work-family conflict at 1446.4, p < .05 and 1761.6 p < .05 (n = 112) respectively; while organizational frustration was also significantly associated with work-family conflict at 1799.2, p < .05 (n = 112). The finding imply that innovative work behaviour can influence a reduced level of organizational frustration and work-family conflict while organizational frustration can influence an increased level of work-family conflict among private sector employees. It is recommended that private sector organizations encourage the growth of innovative trait among workers and implement same in their recruitment policy to engender reduced levels of organizational frustration and work-family conflict.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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