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Physico-chemical and Sensory Properties of Wine Produced from Blends of Roselle Calyces Extract and

Wine was produced from must formulated by blending roselle calyces extract with pineapple juice at different ratios (v/v): A (100:0), B(90:10), C(80:20), D(70:30), E(60:40) and F(50:50). The must was pitched with Saccharomyces cerevisiae; primary and secondary fermentation lasted for five and three days, respectively, during which aliquot samples analyses of pH, titratable acidity, specific gravity, total soluble solids and alcohol were carried out daily using standard procedures.Wine was aged for 31 days. The pH of the must decreased during the period of fermentation with a range of 3.30 to 4.37. Specific gravity and total soluble solids were observed to reduce drastically as fermentation progressed. During the fermentation period, consistent increase in titratable acidity and alcohol was observed with time. At the end of fermentation (8th day), alcohol content ranged from 10.19 to 12.23% with sample B and C having the highest values. Vitamin C analyses carried out on the wines had values ranging from 2.50 to 8.40g/100mL. Wines had volatile acid values range of 0.06 to 0.13g/100mL which was within acceptable limits. Sensory evaluation on a 9-point hedonic scale carried out on the aged wine indicated that all samples were accepted except sample F which had scores below average. Sample B was rated highest in terms of overall acceptability with value of 7.41±1.06. The result of this study showed that acceptable wines can be produced from blends of roselle hot water extract and pineapple juice. Please read full article - [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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